Is It A Love Story

Snatch - Part 1

Jenny stirred the coffee absent mindedly. It was late evening and there was a steady flow of people in the CCD in which she was now sitting with Suraj. They were sitting in their usual corner which shielded them from the banter of the groups of college students who would frequent the place most of the time. It gave them a bit of privacy, though there was no need of it today since there wasn't much crowd anyway.

"Say something." said Suraj.

"I don't know what to say Suraj. I don't think I am ready for anything more than friendship." Jenny replied, still stirring her coffee.

"I don't believe that is the reason."

"You will get somebody way better than me. I'm no good at relationships and you too know that. You are smart, good-looking and have a great job. You can have any girl you want."

"The classic friend-zone argument. I am ready to accept rejection, but I would like a good reason. The 'you deserve better than me' has long gone out of fashion. Out with the truth."

"You think it is easy for me to say no to you? You are one guy I can trust my life with and I really like you. But be practical. After some time you too will get bored of me. And even if you don't, how do you expect our parents to agree to this match?"

Suraj placed his hand on hers across the table.

"I'm not one of those people who would give up on you. I really love you for what you are. And what do you mean about convincing our parents? An inter religious marriage is pretty commonplace now. We will talk to them and convince them. I'm sure about myself that this is what I want. If you too want to spend your life with me, then I can't understand what is stopping you from doing it."

"Suraj you are really sweet and I appreciate you putting your heart out in the open. Do try to understand that mine has been broken too many times. I don't have it in me to love anybody selflessly now. Your love is too much for me to take, and I don't deserve any of it. Its best that we stay friends as we have always been and keep it that way. Nothing would change."

"Try as much as I would, I don't think things will remain the same. Its always one person who cares too much and the other hesitant to take the next step. Not that I am convinced with your reasoning for refusing me, but I respect your decision. It would take me some time to accept your decision, but I will come around to doing it. In the meantime, think about reconsidering."

"I don't think there is anything to reconsider. It is for the best. Please try to understand".

A few minutes later, Jenny was driving back home. The conversation played over in her mind. She tried playing some music from her phone to get her mind off it, but the battery had already discharged and she had forgotten the charger home. She was feeling rotten. She had just refused a proposal from one of her best friends whom she knew for around 3 years. The reason? She couldn't point out anything in particular. Yes, they belonged to different faiths, but that was not really a concern to her personally and if required she could convince her parents. Maybe it was the utter failure of her past relationships that had rendered her unable to love any other person now. The normally soothing breeze blowing from the car window was not so pleasant today. She closed the window and switched on the air conditioner.

As she parked in the garage, she noticed that her father's scooter was not present at its usual spot. She knocked on the door of her apartment and her mother opened it. Martha let out a scream and hugged her daughter sobbing loudly.

"Thank God you are alright. We were so scared." Martha cried.

"What happened Mama? Why are you crying? And where is Dad?" Jenny asked, confused with her mother's reactions.

"We got a call a couple of hours back from a man saying that he had kidnapped you. I don't know the details, your father spoke to him. There was some talk of a ransom and your father rushed out with a suitcase. Why didn't you pick up your phone? We were trying for so long!"

"The battery was dead and I didn't have a charger. And who was the man who called? Did he give any name? How can you just believe anybody saying that he has kidnapped me?"

"Your father was very upset. I don't know where he has gone. He just rushed out. I am really worried Jenny."

"I am going to try and call Dad. I can't believe he fell for such a prank."

Jenny picked up the landline phone and dialled her father's number. But he did not pick it up. His phone was ringing right in front of her next to the landline.

To be continued ....